The Crew installed 7 New Upgraded Simonton Asure Energy Efficient Double Pane Replacement Windows with Grids. The New Double Hung Windows are Low Maintenance and Fully Weather Stripped with Center Interlock to Dramatically Reduce Air Infiltration.
Author: admin
Matt McCurdy (CRSI Siding.Painting) and Joe Tichenor (CRSI Windows) worked together on this Project with Joe’s Window Crew installing 7 Simonton Asure Double Hung Windows. Matt’s Crew performed all the Wood Replacement, Siding Installation and Painting work.
Project Scope:
- Installation of 7 New Simonton Asure Energy Efficient Double Pane Replacement Windows
- Removal of Existing Vinyl Siding and Vinyl Fascia & Soffit
- Removal Existing Masonite Siding
- Extensive Wood Replacement/Restoration including Corner Boards, Fascia and Soffit
- Installation of HardiePlank CedarMill Siding
- Pressure Washing of all Surfaces to be Painted
- Thorough Prep Work including Priming in advance of Painting of all Wood Surfaces
Matt McCurdy (CRSI Painting | Siding) and Joe Tichenor (CRSI Windows) teamed up again on this Project. Joe’s Window Crew installed 32 Double Hung, 5 Picture, 1 Twin Casement Window and 2 Doors prior to Matt’s Painting work.
Project Scope:
Extensive Wood Replacement/Restoration of over 140 pcs. of Rotted Wood
Pressure Washing of all Surfaces to be Painted and Stained
Thorough Prep Work including Priming in advance of Painting of all Wood Surfaces
Installation of New Raised Panel Shutters
Solid Elastomeric Stain with Non-Skid Additive on Back Deck
New Simonton Window Project in Duluth
The Crew installed 32 Double Hung, 5 Picture, 1 Twin Casement Window and 2 Doors. These New Upgraded Simonton Asure Energy Efficient Double Pane Replacement Windows included Upgraded Extruded Frame Half Screens, 2 Air-Locs and Constant Force Stainless Steel Balance System in addition to being Fully Weather Stripped with Center Interlock to Dramatically Reduce Air Infiltration. All covered by Simonton’s Double Lifetime Limited Transferable Warranty.
Stay tuned for Matt McCurdy’s (CRSI Painting | Siding) pictures from the Painting/Staining and Deck Work on this Home which followed Joe Tichenor’s (CRSI Windows) Window Installation Project.