Clean-Up upon Project Completion HardiePlank Siding Home Improvements by CRSI Sherwin-Williams Interior Paints Thorough Prep Work Wood Replacement/Restoration

New HardiePlank Siding for a Chimney on a Cedar Siding Home | Johns Creek GA 30022

Project Scope:

>  Remove Existing Siding and Haul-Away
>  Remove Existing Corner Boards and Haul-Away
>  Replace Damaged Sheathing
>  Install HardieTrim Corner Boards
>  Install Factory Primed HardiePlank CedarMill Siding
>  Prep and Paint Chimney HardiePlank Siding and Chimney HardieTrim Boards

Sherwin-Williams Exterior Paints were used (Matched to Existing Colors)

Photos at Project at Completion follow…