Clean-Up upon Project Completion Exterior Painting by CRSI Fiberglass Columns Front Columns Home Improvements by CRSI Metal Roof Portico Restoration Pressure Washing Priming and Painting PVC Columns PVC Fascia Sherwin-Williams Interior Paints Thorough Prep Work Wood Replacement/Restoration

Sandy Springs GA 30350 | Exterior Painting and Front Portico Restoration and Metal Roof Project

Project Scope: 

Pressure Washing, Wood Replacement/Restoration, Prep and Painting

>  Careful Pressure Washing and Thorough Prep Work
>  Wood Replacement / Restoration of over 100 pcs. of Rotted Fascia, Dormer Trim, Window Trim and Corner Boards
>  Painting of All Trim, Gutters, Downspouts, Shutters, Doors and Windows

Front Portico Restoration

>  Remove 2 Existing Round Rotted Columns and Haul-Away
>  Install 2 Round Fiberglass Columns
>  Rebuild 2 Existing Square Columns with PVC
>  Install PVC Fascia
>  Install New Metal Portico Roof>  Prep and Paint Columns and Fascia

 Sherwin-Williams Exterior Paints were used (Matched to Existing Color)